top weapon usage
The below list shows the top
5 weapon users for each weapon. Calculated:
netto% = (frags-deaths) / (frags+deaths)
On the right of the tables you will find the absolute count and %
values for each weapon and player that made it into the list.
Note that you will have to have at least
20 weapon incidents (=f+d) with that
specific weapon to be included here.
Jedi Knight II supports these weapons:
Blaster, Bowcaster, Bryar Pistol, Bryar Pistol Alt, Demp2, Det Pack Splash, Disruptor, Disruptor Sniper, Flechette, Flechette Alt Splash, Force Dark, Melee, Repeater, Repeater Alt, Repeater Alt Splash, Rocket, Rocket Homing, Rocket Homing Splash, Rocket Splash, Saber, Sentry, Stun Baton, Thermal, Thermal Splash, Trip Mine Splash, Crush, Telefrag, Falling, Trigger Hurt, and Unknown. |