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  Ranking last updated on Saturday, September 14th 19:10 2002
for the server Papa Lazarou's Circus Pandemonium
p l a y e r  stats
Ranked at N° 63 of 90 with a rank of 0.00.
Note: This page shows *everything* that happend to this player.
The ranking page on the other hand only shows/uses the data relevant for ranking. E.g. Frags/Deaths that happend between you and the other players *also* in ranking. The ranking stats show a data subset!

player statistics
...Overview F, D , S, &E Usage
...Weapon usage
...Suicides / Damage Types
...Roles - Player Classes
...Correlation Role Frags/Deaths
...Streaks - F/DS in a Row
...Alternate Weapon Usage
...Alternate Frags/Deaths/Suis
...Frags per Hour & Map

inventory This is an overview of frags, deaths, suicides and events that happened to this player. Also shown are the nettos (=f-d-s), incidents (=f+d+s), and netto% (=f-d-s/f+d+s) values. Hit Help for details.
( 1 connect )
% of 4   
 4  Frags 
 0  Deaths 
 0  Suicides 
   4   Netto 
   4   Incidents 
   100.0%   Netto%

weapon usage Here you will find details on this players weapon usage frags, how hard he was hit by the other player's weapons deaths, and the mistakes he made suicides. Hit Help for details.
Weapon Usage
% S Suis
Frags, Deaths, Suicides
 Frags   F %   Deaths   D %   Weapons
4 100.0% 0 0.0%  Saber 
4 100.0% 0 0.0%  
   Suis   S %   
  0 0.0%  Damage type summery 

suicides Here you find the suicides split into the for this game/mod possible damage types. Note: Only the suicides that actually happened to this player are shown. Hit Help for details.
% of Total N° 0  Suicides   N°   Form of Death 

events A recent addition to æstats are events. These non-frags track many of the other things that happened on this server, also used for team stats. Hit Help for details.
[Not available for Jedi Knight II]

(player classes)
Another recent addition to æstats are roles. for each happening the player classes are tracked, to better show this players gaming habits. Hit Help for details.
[Not available for Jedi Knight II]

role correlation
This matrix shows the player roles (classes). Role fragger's are on the x-axis (lines), and the role fragged are shown on the y-axis (columns). This will let you interpret what the most commonly used frag roles were. If both players were of the same class, then they are shown on the diagonal. Hit Help for details.
[Not available for Jedi Knight II]

f/ds in a row
Ever wondered how many frags in a row you where fated to hand out, or how often you died/suicides in a map? Check your streaks below. Hit Help for details.
Player Streaks  -   Frags / Deaths/Suis
% of Total N° 4  Frags   N°   Player Streaks   N°   Deaths/Suis   % of Total N° 0
 1   4 in a Row   0 
   4     0   

weapon usage
Some games/mods have weapons with an alternate means of attack. if possible æstats will show the these alternate weapon related frags, deaths, and suicides. Hit Help for details.
[Not available for Jedi Knight II]
[Not available for Jedi Knight II]


map infos

Here the last maps this player played are shown (upto a maximum of 65 set in AEstats.cfg). The histogram shows the FPH (Frags per Hour, using the netto count, netto=f-d-s) per map. The other table floods you with details on the last few maps. Like your top frag/death streaks (F-Row, D-Row). Hit Help for details.
  FPH per Map  
  ( Last 1 of 200 maps played, average FPH: 9 )  
Frags per Hour & Times
 N°   Map Name   Begin   Up Time   FPF   Netto   Frags   Deaths   Suis   Placed   F-Row   D-Row 
134   Ffa_bespin   September 2002
18th 9:24:06  
 26'36 Min   9  4 4 0 0  1 of 5  4 1
      Average -> 9 4 4 0 0 1.0 4.0 1.0

This page was generated with Æstats (c) 1998-2001 by Æon.
Using build v5.32 6/15/2002 3:49PM
Saturday, September 14th 19:10 2002
Commercial use prohibited!